Thursday 20 September 2012

Why C#?

A large number of computer languages, starting from FORTRAN developed in 1957 to the object oriented language Java introduced in 1995, are being used for various applications. The choice of language depends upon many factors such as H/W environment, business environment, user requirements and so on.
C and C++ have been the two most popular and most widely used languages used in the software industry. They provide programmers with a tremendous amount of power and control for developing scientific, commercial and business application. However these languages suffer from a number of shortcomings in meeting the emerging World Wide Web requirements and standards.
Visual basic a language developed by Microsoft for overcoming these problems, also could not meet some of the requirements of WWW. Since, Visual Basic is not truly an OOPs language, it becomes increasingly difficult to use when system become large.
        Java is truly an OOPs language and has been widely used for web applications for the past five years. Unfortunately, java has not retained some powerful C++ features such as operator overloading. It also lacks inter-operability with code developed in other languages. Another feature lacking in java is full integration with the window platform. Although java programs can be executed in a windows environment (assuming that JVM has been installed), java and windows are not closely coupled. Since windows are the widely used Operating System in the world, lack of direct support for windows is a drawback to java.

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